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How to find books about the U.S. Senate

Many of the books listed on Senate.gov can be found at your local public library or a government depository library or can be purchased from a bookstore.


If you want to borrow the book from a library, the best place to start is with your public library. You can find your public library by looking it up in the phone book; libraries are often listed in the local government section of the blue pages or they may be listed in the yellow pages under "libraries." Or you can look at a list of libraries that have Web sites or a list of state libraries. If your library does not have the book you want, you may ask them if they can borrow it from another library (sometimes a fee is charged for this service).

Another resource is the federal depository library system, which is made up of over 1,300 libraries that collect government documents and make them available to the public for borrowing or reading. If the publication you are looking for is published by a government agency or by Congress, you should contact a depository library. A list of depository libraries is available on GPO's Web site. Most depository libraries are within a university or state library, so sometimes borrowing privileges are restricted.


Federal government publications can be purchased from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO). You can order government publications through GPO’s online bookstore.

Most of the commercially published books listed on www.senate.gov can be purchased from a bookstore. Bookstores will generally special order books that are in print but not in stock, so be sure to ask if you do not see the book you are looking for. Special ordering takes a few days to a few weeks.

If the book you want to buy is no longer in print, it may be available for purchase from a used book dealer.  You can find used book dealers in the yellow pages, generally under the heading "Book dealers--used and rare." In addition, there are several used and rare book dealers on the Web:








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